Starfall Parent-Teacher Center Accessibility Overview
Looking for more Starfall accessibility? Visit the Starfall accessibility page.
Our Commitment
The Starfall Education Foundation is committed to providing access for users with disabilities. Our goal is to provide accessible content in the Starfall Parent-Teacher Center directly on our website for computers as well as tablets and mobile devices without the need to download or install additional software or apps.
We depend on your feedback to improve our website, so please contact us with comments or if you need help.
For Users with Visual Impairment or Blindness
The Starfall Parent-Teacher Center attempts to maintain a minimum AA contrast-ratio of 4.5:1 on all content as outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to ensure adequate readability. Additionally, the Parent-Teacher Center is designed for use with screen reader technology. We currently test with Windows 10 NVDA and JAWS. We have also verified compatibility with other screen readers such as ChromeVox on Chrome browsers and VoiceOver on MacOS.
For Users with Mobility Impairment
The Parent-Teacher Center also makes considerations for the use of a dual-switch device or keyboard:
- Tab key to navigate.
- Enter key to select.
Regarding our Free Resources
While we've made efforts to ensure accessibility of our free resources, which include Customizable Practice Sheets, Customizable Word & Picture Cards, and Projectable Books & Posters, these applications are, by their nature, complex and open to a wide variety of uses and approaches. We understand that this may sometimes yield less-than-ideal usability in certain contexts and with certain devices. We are, however, open to feedback and suggestions on how we can continue to improve your experience.
We Need Your Help
As mentioned above, please contact us if you have questions or recommendations regarding Starfall's accessibility features.